Down the Outside...
What a great venue the Hawkes Bay Sports Park is. With its constantly improving facilities, not only benefiting those in the bay but also those beyond.
Aqualine Contractors was recently approached by Pope Electrical to see if we could help them light up the sports fields.
The 110mm power ducting that needed installing for the new lights, is a big and heavy product to handle. This had to be buried around the edge of the sports fields with minimal damage to the turf, whilst leaving no room for potential hazards (hollows or humps) for the general public to stumble on, and to top it off there was also an existing irrigation system which we had to work around.
Aqualine's team jumped to the opportunity knowing very well our specialised mole ploughing machine and experienced team were capable to undertake such projects.
Locating the existing services was the trickiest part of this project. However, our unique way of mole ploughing makes working around services feasible and safer. The versatile light-footed machine was able to slice through at 800mm deep, with little evidence of what was undertaken apart from a few track marks...
Take a look at the photos to see just how good it is.
The speed and efficiency of mole ploughing compared to open trenching or even directional drilling is polls apart. Averaging 200m installed per hour our machine can get through the work. Capable of installing pipe/ducting from 250mm down or even installing more than one pipe at a time.
This machine can save you time and money.
Got a project coming up that you could do with our Mole Ploughing service?
Get in touch, we're always keen to help;
(06) 8796238